
 What does being a thriving artist look like to you?

Is it head to toe Gucci?

Whole days with nothing to do except create your art?

Is it creating anything and everything you care to imagine and getting paid for it all?

How would being a thriving artist feel?

Delicious. Expansive. Luxurious.

Like the ideas come in avalanches and you have nothing but ease in transforming them all from fantasy to your reality

Let’s thrive, baby cakes.


Your ideas are amazing.

You have a vision for what you want to create.

You know you can do big, beautiful things with your art and life.

It’s for you to get the fuck out of your own way.

You don’t need more or better ideas - you need to act on what you already have. You know what you are here to create but it’s clouded with fear and second guessing every move. You’re reluctant to take up your space. You doubt your ideas before you even give them a chance to become something.


Well, because your whole life you’ve been told some bullshit stories about what it means to be an artist and how we can (& should) make money.

“Artists don’t make money”

“It’s normal to hate your job”

“Work isn’t supposed to be fun”

“Someone else is in control of how you make money and how much you make”

All complete and utter bull shit.

We live in a time where you can create your work, share it online, and have your phone chiming with payment notifications 24/7.

Those old stories simply aren’t true.

In reality, the opportunity for you to create precisely what you want to create and live in abundance because of that has never been more accessible.

And, listen, I don’t mean somehow figuring out how you might be able to survive through selling your creations.

Fuck no.

Sharing your art actually puts you in the greatest position to THRIVE.


Your art is your products. Your message. The things you create and share with others.

Maybe you’re a painter or a poet. A coach or a content creator.

Creativity knows no bounds and when you create what you feel most excited about and you share that with the world - that’s your most direct stream to limitless abundance.

Your own unique flavour of creativity cannot be replicated.

No one can do it like you.

And so, of course, when you open yourself up to create in your highest power there is no competition.

You can make your art and decide it’s worth through knowing your own.

To feel confident as fuck with putting juicy price tags on your creations you must first know your own value.

Doubting your ideas, questioning if anyone would ever buy your art or hire you - that is opposite of valuing yourself!

Before anyone else can see the value in your art you must see it first - in your art and in yourself.

Those stories that keep you feeling stuck and blocked around creating art and making money, well, the good news is you can re-write them entirely.

You can create new stories for yourself that have you creating art and income with ease.

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join me for THRIVING ARTISt

Over 4-weeks re-write and expand your beliefs so you can create art and income with ease.

You’ll have access to live calls, video and audio lessons, and workbooks that guide you through raising your value, confidence, and ability to create your desires.

Plus, you’ll be given audio affirmation and meditation tracks to use as part of your abundance expansion practice.



Breaking down and re-writing your beliefs around art and money so they stop blocking your energy and actually become a force that propel you towards your desires.

You’ll uncover how creativity is your biggest money maker and how you can use your imagination to expand your visions and abundance.


Here you’ll take the new beliefs you’re building and put them into action in your life. This is about making the desires real and creating your own proof through results - now.


Building your personal power to create abundance in a multitude of ways. This is where you step fully into understanding that your creativity is your greatest currency and how you can use your expression to work for you.


This week we’ll go through using the practices to raise your energetic expectations around art and money and how you can continue to scale as you expand.



Beats and affirmation riffs that you can use to re-program your mind to being hyped as fuck about your ability to create and make mad cash.


These recordings will guide you through connecting with your Creatrix energy in some boss ways.


Packed with activities and prompts to put all the lessons into action.

The course will be delivered through weekly live calls (Mondays 8am AEST) plus drops of content throughout the 4-weeks.


If you are ready to break through the bullshit beliefs around what it means to be an artist and create space for limitless abundance then, baby cakes, it’s time for you to thrive.