Do you want to have the clarity and focus to create the life of your dreams?
Want to feel energised and in your power?
Are you ready to get unstuck and level the fuck up?
it’s time to turn your dreams into your reality
It’s time to write and re-write those dreams. To get vividly clear on the vision you hold for your life. To free your capacity to create and shed yourself of the shackles that have been holding you back. To live the life you know you deserve (you want more, you want different and the very fact that you want it deep down means that it’s available to you).
We’re here together to make radical change.
Join me for 6 weeks of inspired action, boundless creativity, and delicious alignment and uncovering of your own cosmic brilliance.
WTF is Cosmic Brilliance?
Glad you asked!
Your cosmic brilliance is your own unique alignment of who you are, who you want to be, and what you want to create.
It’s everything you are concentrated and clarified down to a sparkling diamond. It’s your highest potential in living, breathing form.
You don’t have to wait to become your true self.
You can step into your most delicious self, with all the gifts and potential you’re capable of, right now.
Living your cosmic brilliance is like tuning into your own divine purpose and using the momentum to skyrocket yourself to unimaginable heights
Here’s the thing.
Your desires will change, shift, and morph constantly - and with them so should your vision and, most importantly, your actions.
All this to say: your “life purpose” is eternally changing and yet, staying true to it is the secret to unlocking your success.
So, in the words of Mary Oliver:
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
Figuring out what the fuck you want to do with your life is a mammoth task. It can feel so overwhelming that we’ll avoid it entirely, lets the years slip into one another, allowing our lives to unfold almost by accidentally.
You are someone who is here to live on purpose.
You are willing to face discomfort in order to attract everything you desire through radical alignment and inspired action.
Tell me honey bee, do you identify with any of these:
feeling stuck, bored, complacent, exhausted, or de-energised
you have some ideas but can’t seem to figure out how to bring them to life
your visions and dreams feel so far away you don’t even know where to begin
feeling overwhelmed by even contemplating what you want to do with your life
there are too many things to choose from and you don’t know what to pick
you feel like you’re not living up to your highest potential, that you have so much more to become, share, and be in your life
If you identify with any of these that means you are ready to level the fuck up.
These feelings are all signs that your soul is longing for the next iteration of you.
That your life is destined for so much more.
you have to make yourself available for the life of your dreams
The ONLY way to turn your dream into your reality is for you to GO ALL IN.
To believe that it can happen and to then MAKE IT FUCKING HAPPEN.
No one is going to make it happen for you. Ever.
No one is going to show up with the magical missing piece that makes your life slot in place.
No one is ever going to hand you your dreams on a silver platter.
You have to grip what you want with both hands and make it yours with a deep ferocity that doesn’t take no for an answer.
You have to bet on yourself. Make noise. Take up space. Believe in what you do and who you are and what you are capable of so deeply that you show up for the people who need you and what you create. Believe that you can live the highest reality of your wildest fantasies - and then some!
Don’t know what your “life purpose” is?
Are you feeling unclear, mixed up with the sheer magnitude of figuring it out and deciding?
Well, babe, what if I told you that it doesn’t fucking matter at all.
You don’t need to know all the answers.
You don’t need to pick one thing, or have buckets of confidence, stacks of cash, or limitless time to live the life you desire deep down.
Your vision doesn’t need to be crystal clear! Feel that relief!
You know how you want to feel.
That is the barometer we will use to have you living out your greatest fantasies.’
Let me be your guide to uncovering and aligning with your cosmic brilliance.
here’s what you’ll learn
We’ll dive deep into discovering what you desire right now and unlock the ever-changing nature of your ambitions and urges.
Embrace change, harness the power of feeling good, and allow yourself the freedom to dream.
Develop an intimate relationship with all that is you.
We’ll indulge in the art of self-exploration as a way to meet your most delicious self, on each and every level.
Knowing yourself wholly and deeply is pivotal to your creativity, success, and happiness.
Here we’ll find the joy in all of that.
Limitless energy to put your ideas to action is available to you.
This week we will go through the practices and mindset shifts that will rise your vibe way, way high.
Enthusiasm is the response to fatigue and overwhelm.
You’ll be buzzing.
How to start and keep going. Big shifts and quantum leaps.
You’ll step into action. Ready and willing to publish, share, post, and act on your dreams.
No more wishing or waiting - you’ll be stepping into the driving seat of your life.
This week we’ll focus on crystallising your dreams.
Deeper clarity and deeper connection to who you are and what you’re here to create.
Be ready to up-level, push through discomfort and wow the fuck out of yourself.
You’re creating something grand here.
I’ll guide you through using the processes and techniques we’ve learnt throughout the course and using them on anything.
We’ll zoom out and formulate a big picture, putting lots of little pieces together, building something so deliciously remarkable with your one wild and wonderful life.
plus some juicy bonuses
Private podcast - throughout the course you’ll receive additional trainings via exclusive recordings
(these will cover: how to unstuck yourself, letting go of beliefs that hold you back, opening yourself to receiving more, etc)
Q&A - I’ll be answering your questions in a special video to cover anything and everything you want to know.
Special illustrated wallpapers
Journalling prompts and guides
Book lists and further study recommendations
& more!
This course is for you if you want to make RADICAL CHANGE.
If you want to quit your job and start living on your own terms.
If you want to uncover you “life purpose” and connect with your true self.
If you want to get yourself unstuck and unleash your creative superpowers.
If you’re ready to create a rich, juicy life - I made this for you!
I will push you to make huge shifts and live up to your own deliciousness.
I will guide you to making gigantic transformations that will have you looking back a year from now feeling like you’re in a different dimension.
Note: I am not the kind of person who will hold your hand as you umm and ahh over what might be the most calculated, risk-free option. I will not be guiding you into a five-year-plan that hopes to lead you on to the safe-bet version of your dream. I won’t even be asking you to form a colour-coded business plan or set concrete targets. There are plenty of people out there who can give you their 20-step process to charting your desires in a sensible, calculated manner. If that’s your jam, then please, follow their call. But, if you’re ready to get down and dirty, join me.
I am here to lead you to living out your fantasies - NOW.
Small steps. Big shifts.
This isn’t analytical. It’s feelings based. It’s in your soul. It’s the calling you can’t ignore. It’s jumping and making the net appear for yourself.
Rules have no place here.
We’re bypassing “the norm” and creating our own realities.
Fortune favours the bold and, baby, we’re about to get bold AF.