


Blocks aren’t real. We’re on the same page about that now, but still just because they’re just a story we’ve picked up (i.e. it’s hard to write everyday) doesn’t mean that the stories don’t still stick to us and affect our actions (i.e. struggling to get the word count up!).

Whatever we believe is the truth. The stories we feed our minds create the actions and thus results we have in our lives. So, if we choose to keep these stories we will remain “blocked.”

Of course, there’s another way.

We can replace the stories that don’t serve our desire with ones that do!

This is your task for today:

  • write out anything and everything that you feel makes it more difficult to do what you want to do

    • these can be stories, beliefs, ideas, thought processes, lifestyle factors - basically any aspect of your life that you might identify as a “block”

  • next to the “block” write out an example of when you, or someone you know/have heard of, has done the action despite the “block”

  • then write out a different way of seeing the “block” entirely!

    • you can reframe any perceived limitation to better serve your desires. Ignoring circumstances and imagining they’re not real isn’t gonna solve anything. It will all only resurface. Instead, try choosing different thoughts about the “block” - approach from a different angle and your whole view transforms!

Remember, blocks are the barriers that prevent you from creating and expressing from your natural, free-flowing stage.

Cleanse them out regularly and you’re granting yourself more and more freedom!


When does life feel easy.

You know days or even just moments where everything feels right and flowing and in ease?

Describe a time you’ve felt most at ease.

This is available to you at anytime to sink back into.


The little things add up to the big things.

More and more through my personal and creative development I’m seeing the truth of that.

It’s the small stuff that we do consistently that ultimately leads to massive amounts of magic.

So, baby cakes, what repeated actions could you take daily to create ease in actions that propel you forward?

This is why I love daily projects!

Take apart one dream you have for something you want to create or a skill you want to develop and commit to a simple way of practicing that skill everyday.

You’re setting yourself up for easy, compounding success

Wanna build a massive social media following? Cool, create and share something every day!

Wanna be an amazing photographer? Fab, take photos - every day!!

Wanna run faster and longer? Lace up your kicks and get running EVERY! DAY!!! (this is what I’ve been doing and holy shit it’s working!).


Things can be easier than you could ever imagine.

Even the biggest and most delicious dreams you hold, there are ways they could become your reality and the whole process could be easy.

Here’s some journalling prompts for you to sink into this?

  • How could I make my visions become my reality in the easiest way?

  • How could I make my visions become my reality in half the time?

  • What alternate paths could I take to creating my desires?

  • If I only had 1 hour a day to work on my vision, what would I spend that time doing? (note: this is what you should be prioritising now!!)


Are your days structured for your ease?

Often we get in the habit of doing things that are long-winded and not fun and entirely inefficient (!!!).

What is overcomplicated and how can you simplify it?

Could be batch creating content for your social media or getting your groceries delivered once a week so you don’t have to keep thinking about when you next need to stock on oat milk!

Again, the little shifts lead to big changes.

You are allowed to feel at ease. You have clarity and ease and flow available to you anything and in anyway you desire.

It’s yours to create, sweet babe!