“Blocks” are simply ideas and beliefs we’ve picked up along the way.
They’re pesky little fuckers, though.
They’ll keep you stuck if you don’t make the effort to cleanse and shift your thinking to ways that serve the vision for life you want.
The first step for increasing your CLARITY is to acknowledge that your vision/ideas/thoughts/beliefs will never be entirely crystal clear but that you can clear out the smudges that needlessly blur everything that’s available to you right now.
You do this through confronting the thoughts that don’t serve you.
Ask yourself:
what is stopping you from having everything you desire?
what is stopping you from having enough clarity TO ACT on acquiring what it is you desire?
what do you need* for things to fall into place? (*need is open for your own interpretation)
can it be done regardless or otherwise?
The answer to the last question is almost always yes.
Because there are always an infinite number of ways to do things. You can find proof of this in the stories of how other people may have already done the things you desire.
The biggest proof, though, is in the fact that you have never done it before therefore, you simply haven’t seen the solution that is about to play out yet.
Keep going. It will reveal itself.
You will have all the answers you desire. Just maybe not all at once. And maybe not just yet.
Have you noticed how your energy fluctuates through the day, month, and seasons? How there are times you could easily stay up all night and other times where 14 hours of sleep barely feels like enough?! That’s basically cause our minds and bodies work in cycles. There’s no constant.
It’s the same with your creative energy.
It fluctuates and varies. Knowing how your creative cycle works is huge in having compassion and understanding for yourself and how you work. What’s the use being frustrated when you can’t come up with a good idea today when next week you might be having an avalanche of ideas all at once?!
Start tracking your creative energy.
You can do this by drawing up a calendar and making a note for how energised you’re feeling each day (maybe a sentence or two, or on a scale of 1-10).
Track for a week, a month, a couple months!
You’ll start to see some patterns.
When you notice these patterns in how your energy fluctuates you’ll be able to gift yourself something endlessly delicious: understanding.
Understanding that you don’t perform at the same level at all times. Understanding of when you can best act and when it’s best for you to rest. Both are vital.
Your own personal vision for evolution
Dreaming feels so good.
To make anything real, though, we need to mesh those dreams with reality.
This can be what brings our dreams to a screeching halt. Especially if we perceive all these hurdles and restrictions. It’s not enough to simply “think positive” we need to dismantle and replace these beliefs. Correct the ones that pull us down with ones that uplight us.
No matter how big and audacious your dream might be, there is someone somewhere who has achieved something similar. In some way, it has been done before - and, therefore, it is entirely possible.
Instead of feeling stumped when we are confronted with the “harsh reality” of what actualising our dreams might look like, it’s much better to confront any “limitations” head on. Face them. Dismantle them. Re-write them. See and disprove.
Write down every reason why you might not be able to actualise your dreams. Write down everything that might prevent you from doing what you desire. No matter how small or how huge.
Then, beside each one, write out the ways it simply isn’t true.
…it’s been done before / it’s hard but not impossible / I have a new way of approaching the situation / I don’t need all that stuff when it comes down to it, I can start now…
Call bluff on your own excuses, babe. You got this.
Go back to the response you wrote for 1.4.
This is your own personal recipe for evolution. These are your desires written out before you.
Now, you must own them.
Re-write each one in present tense. Litter your scribing with “I AM” and “I HAVE” - be in possession of your dreams, now.
Read this every morning while you sip your coffee. Believe it and see it a little more every day.